Wiggle Church - Thursdays at 5:30pm
Heritage Worship - Sundays at 10am
Community - Sundays at 11am
· Preschool ·

Welcome to Our Preschool Classroom!
Students must be three by September 1st
Students must be potty trained. The teachers in this class will do a beginning, middle and end of the year evaluation to assess your child’s development. Parent-teacher conferences can be scheduled after receiving each assessment.
Students will continue with increased knowledge in:
The curriculum for this classroom introduces a new letter and number each week while continuing with the same color and shape for four weeks.
Children in this class will be introduced to:
Graphing as a whole class and individually
Patterning and the development of one-to-one correspondence will be ongoing in daily math activities
Daily assignments that encourage the growth of cutting skills
Simple addition in math will also be introduced in this class
The Bible is a very big part of our program:
This class will participate in chapel each morning where they sing praise and worship songs along with dance and hand movement videos.
A small Bible video clip is shown the beginning of the week to help them better understand their Bible story.
As the week progresses, the students will play games and act out parts of the Bible story.
This class will learn new Bible verse every two weeks.
We teach them the pledge to the American and Texas flags as well as the pledge to the Bible.
We close chapel by saying a prayer and reciting our Bible verse together.
We are happy to offer these enrichment programs at no extra cost to parents:
Chapel and Dramatics on Tuesdays
Music with Mr. Russell on Wednesday
Stretch & Grow on Thursday
Lead Teachers
Raindrop Orr
Schedule a tour, join our waitlist, check registration and tuition costs, and have our experienced staff answer your questions.